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Monday, March 25, 2013

LandscapExpert Tip of the Week, March 25

Use plastic Easter Eggs for drainage at the bottom of extra-large planter boxes and containers. They are lightweight, are widely available, and cost next to nothing- particularly just after Easter.

Monday, March 18, 2013

LandscapExpert Tip of the Week, March 18

When wildlife like rabbits, chipmunks and squirrels are eating your choice edible and ornamental plants like parsley, Rainbow Chard, or tasty ground covers like Snow-N-Summer Asiatic Jasmine, dust them with hot pepper powder. To prevent this from blowing away, first mist the plants with light spray starch then sprinkle the hot pepper powder, and it sticks and does not blow away!

Monday, March 11, 2013

LanscapExperts Tip of the Week, March 11

Keep Slug-Bait away from pets and birds. Turn an empty plastic water bottle into a safe container by cutting off the bottle's neck and shoulders and inserting them into the end of the bottle backwards. Use waterproof tape to hold this in place, and pour in some bait. Tuck under slug-prone plants such as Hosta where the slugs can crawl into the trap.

Monday, March 4, 2013

LandscapExperts Tip of the Week, March 4

Use Large Leaves to Suppress Weeds

Large leaves of Dock or Rhubarb will suppress the growth of weeds on newly weeded, bare ground. They are sturdy enough to walk on, and as they decompose, add more or cover the ground with mulch.