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Monday, November 25, 2013

LandscapExperts Tip of the Week, November 25

Let your neighbors do the work, then collect those paper recycle-bags filled with pine straw from the curb and use the FREE MULCH to protect your perennial beds. Collect paper bags full of leaves to make leaf mould -- turns into rich, dark brown woods soil and is ready in a year.

More about Leaf Mould here: 

Monday, November 18, 2013

LandscapExperts Tip of the Week, Nov. 18

Squirrel-proof a post-top  bird feeder by removing the top and bottom lids of an extra-large juice can, slipping it over the pole and wiring it in place. The blasted squirrels cannot get their arms around the can or get a grip on it. If the squirrel does stay on the post it ends up inside the can.

Monday, November 11, 2013

LandscapExperts Tip of the Week, Nov. 11

Add a post-top bird feeder to the patio. To create a removable, winter-only, pole-mounted bird feeder that can be easily be removed in the summertime, first create a telescoping base. Select a 2-foot length of galvanized pipe wide enough to accept the pole for the bird feeder. Install the pipe vertically in the soil next to the patio and fix it solidly with poured concrete.

During the feeding season, the pole-mounted bird feeder is slipped into the pipe base in the ground. When summer comes, remove and store the pole feeder but keep the pipe clear with a rubber bathtub plug over the opening.

Monday, November 4, 2013

LandscapExperts Tip of the Week, November 4

As the autumn leaves begin to show color, then "rain down" from the trees on a windy day, be sure to rake and compost them. This recycles the nutrients captured inside the leaves and returns the nutrients, along with decomposing organic matter, to the soil for good plant growth and friable soil texture.