Evaluating Existing Landscape Plants: Plants in Poor Condition
Rely on Crabapple LandscapExperts to let you know, as the HOA Rep or Property Manager, if some of the plants on your properties are in poor condition. Deciding to replace them involves evaluation of what made them decline, as well as suggesting suitable replacements.
Some considerations and their solutions include: Pest Problems Environmental Factors Design Challenges
Let the LandscapExperts at Crabapple guide you through some of the more complex environmental interactions involved in landscape renovation. For example, if a boxwood is dying in a location that is too wet, we can repair the drainage problem else we can replace the boxwood with a Korean box holly that looks the same but is tolerant to wet soils Removing a tree that shades the west side of a building may increase the impact of summer heat on the air conditioning unit. Additionally, understory plants that are now in bright sun may be impacted, and we can suggest temporary shading (awning or vines) as well as installing a replacement shade tree If an insect or disease attacked one plant, we can replace it with a carefully selected substitute that is not vulnerable to the pest.
Each landscape is a complex living environment, and the impact of changing one aspect will impact the other plants. In renovation, Crabapple LandscapExperts will reuse the best aspects and plants in your original landscape.
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